2013.11.29. 20:03
Days off,works around the house...
Finally I had two days "holiday" which I could spend without continuous phone ringing and annoying tasks. The winter is knocking on the front door, so firstly I finished my gardening works. This activity was digging up the middle part of my garden. The result is the following.
After this I…
2013.11.14. 19:15
Everyone remain seated!
I haven't written anything long time ago so let's see what happened in the last months...
First of all, some people disallowed my profile photos, because I took pictures of my bike with me and there was no seat on that frame. Therefore I made some effort to satisfy this…
2013.08.03. 06:59
Open your Spirit!
I'm still talking about the pálinka. Last sunday I reached the point when I could test the equipment. The test run was amaizing, I used some old sour cherry wine (hommade as well) to distillate ethanol. 71 degrees (or 142 proof) ethanol came out the machine! Now it's a bit…
2013.07.21. 21:13
I was always amused when I visited the local distillery institution when my grandfather collected enough fruit mash to make some pálinka. As now home destillation is allowed in my country I turned back to the idea that I should do it at home. So I checked an old website for…
2013.07.21. 20:37
A new small step but a big stop after...
It's like a big scale. As I work more in my workplace the progress is weaker and weaker which I can provide in the bike project... But still... I'd like to show someting of my last activities. It was obvious that the I need more powerful brake than the factory default was…
2013.05.20. 20:12
Propulsion for my rubber boat
Fortunately we had a longer weekend because of the Pentecost religious holiday. I spent time to my garden and what more, some time for recreation. This ment a middle range bycicle trip to Apátfalva, where we checked our regular swim and play area at the Maros river.…
2013.05.18. 19:30
IZS 650 - The Russian - Japanese bastard
Soooo... The two threads of the story started bounding together. First I dismantled the old IZS motorcycle to make it to a reliable thing. First I removed the rear shock absorbers which were not else just stuck metal parts. All two shafts are bent, the absorbers weared off,…
2013.05.02. 20:33
Donor frame for the DR650
Not so long ago the host of the DR650 arrived. It is an IZH 49 motorcycle which was made during the 1950s in Russia. Tehchnicaly it was the Soviet Union but I won't go into detailes. The frame carries the 350 cubic centimeter volume two stroke engine which has the incredible 11 horsepower…
2013.04.20. 21:41
Carburateur restoring for the IZH 49
I arrived to the next step of the Suzuki DR650 bike project.
Don't take the balance chain off the counter balancer shafts. Even if it is rattling... I just simply fed up with strange engine noise. So I removed it and put back all the other parts. Started the…
2013.03.25. 22:41
Changing language... and a new madness!
Dear readers,
I decided to change the language of this blog because it turned out that a certain percentage of my audiance is not really able to read Hungarian. On the other hand I keep struggling to improve my english, and this will be a good practice to do it.
Sooo... After a long period I got…