It's like a big scale. As I work more in my workplace the progress is weaker and weaker which I can provide in the bike project... But still... I'd like to show someting of my last activities. It was obvious that the I need more powerful brake than the factory default was given in the IZH 49. That old hub brake just not strong enough to slow the machine with sufficient efficiency. What is good, that the way is given, because the front fork and suspension system is inhabited from an ETZ 250 motorcycle which has hydraulic front brake. When I bought the bike the fork was already installed with  the disc, but without the brake and the actuator arm. Therefore I bought two full sets of brake system. I dismantled them to the tinyest particles to build a complete operating brake after. I think it was succesful because I have a motrocycle now which is not really able to run by itself but definatelly stops in any case I pull the brake arm... :)



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